Renew Vehicle Registration
If you meet Florida's residency requirements, you are required by law to title and register your vehicle with the State of Florida. If you are not sure if you qualify, please refer to Section 320.01 F.S. Motor vehicle registrations and decals are renewable up to three months in advance.
Florida law requires all four-wheel motorized vehicles to be insured by a licensed Florida agent. Current proof of Florida insurance is required by the Tax Collector's office prior to the issuance of a registration, tag, and/or decal. If you have any insurance questions, please visit the Florida Department of Insurance website.
Florida residents, on military assignment outside of Florida, are not required to submit proof of Florida insurance coverage. This exemption does not apply to vehicles registered solely in the name of a non-military spouse or dependent(s) of the military member.
The military member must provide the following:
An out-of-state address for the Florida registration certificate.
One of the following must be submitted as proof of current military assignment out of state:
Copy of military orders, or
An affidavit from the military member's commanding officer confirms the military orders and the date of the assignment.
An affidavit stating the motor vehicle is maintained at the state of posting and will not be operated in the state of Florida except in transient visitor status.
Section 320.072, Florida Statutes, requires a $225 fee to be imposed upon the initial application for registration on certain new and used motor vehicle registrations. This "new wheels" fee is collected by the Tax Collector's Office for the Division of Motor Vehicles. This fee is due on any automobile registered for private use, any lightweight truck, or any motor home unless the vehicle being registered is a replacement for a vehicle that has been disposed of. In this case, the registered owner must sign a vehicle disposal affidavit.
Change in Registration and Decal Appearance
Florida's vehicle registration and decals are changing. Please visit the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles website for more information and a list of frequently asked questions.
Personalized Plates
Personalized license plates may be issued to most motor vehicle owners or lessees. Applications must be submitted to the Tax Collector’s office to ensure that obscene or objectionable choices are not granted. The cost for personalized plates is $15 per year plus the regular fees. Applications may be submitted at any time, but please allow at least 45 days to manufacture the new plates. Plates are only issued for the current registration period unless you apply during the 3-month advance registration renewal period.
Lemon Law
Do you want to know how the Florida lemon law works? If so please follow this link: Lemon Law
The highway patrol also provides information designed to protect consumers from purchasing a lemon at Highway Patrol’s information on Lemon Law
Additional Information
For additional information relating to vehicle registration, driver licenses, driver license handbooks, legal updates, and related information, visit the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles